Sunday, March 6, 2016

What We Ate This Week

Phew, another week down! It was a pretty uneventful one at that. I've started the Dave Ramsey cash envelope deal and it's helped my spending IMMENSELY. By giving us a "blow money" budget I'm going to save a lot. You know when you feel like you can't be sure what to spend? Yep, that always makes me spend too much. So at least now I know if we want to see a movie or grab sandwiches that we have that in the budget. If you have any tips on the cash envelope budgeting I'd love to hear it. Now onto what we ate this week!

Sunday : We had a bit of leftover quinoa in the fridge so I made quinoa/kale/mushroom bowls with fried eggs on top.

Monday : I made a big ol' loaded enchilada pasta skillet. This is another one from the Budget Bytes cookbook. It is super delicious and I was really surprised we had leftovers because my husband has a hollow leg and loves this stuff. There was enough for both of us to have it for lunch the next day though!

Tuesday : We had a giant salad to use up veg, a spinach/onion/bell pepper frittata, and homemade cheddar beer bread (again, from the Budget Bytes cookbook). The bread was great and really easy so I'll definitely be making it again. It would be great with a stew or soup for dunking.

Wednesday : Another Budget Bytes recipe (do we sense a theme here) of chana aloo masala. It was great and made a ton. My husband had it for lunch two days this week.

Thursday : Oh gosh, another Budget Bytes recipe...zucchini pasta bake! I don't actually bake it in the oven though, I just make it in a covered skillet to melt the cheese and call it good. I also thawed some meatballs from the freezer for my husband and he had those with it.

Friday : Neither of us really felt like a big meal. I had gotten some fancy bread in the discount bin so we had rosemary toast with greens and eggs on top. You're going to be seeing a lot of eggs eaten in the next few weeks because the laying is picking up.

Saturday : We had my husband's cousin over for dinner (as we often do) and I made them elbow pasta and red sauce with bits of sausage. I had rosemary toast with greens and eggs again (can't get enough of that bread!!).

I can't believe it but by taking cash out this week and starting up the envelope system I ACTUALLY STAYED IN BUDGET! I spent $9.76 at the grocery store by my mom's house, $2.64 at Big Lots, and $35.50 at the grocery store by my house making a total of $47.90. I actually have $2.10 to spare but I'll put it in our savings towards new flooring instead! Sadly, I did go over on the pet budget and had to borrow from our blow money. I'm no longer shopping at Wal-Mart so we had to change the dogs over to a food they stock at our pet store. We also needed guinea pig litter and food plus a new dog brush. While we did go over budget this new food comes in a much bigger bag so at least it'll last quite a bit longer. I'm still new at this whole cash thing so I'm sure I will fine tune it.

Thanks for reading! Did you have any great meals this week?

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