Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmastime is here

I am so, SO, SO glad this year to not be rushing at the last minute to finish up shopping or making gifts. Christmastime is my favorite time of year and it's so hard to enjoy when we make it so stressful! I've pared down a lot this year, spent way less, bought much less and I just feel like this is the best Christmas in a long time!

Yesterday I went over to my Mom's house and we spent the afternoon making a huge batch of cinnamon rolls (using Pioneer Woman's recipe). She rolled the dough while I made icing and wrote directions on the pan covers. We had our little assembly line going and ended up with 7 pans worth. Next year I think we'll do a double batch so I can have a bunch to give away too. She gifted me two pans, which was so generous. She made them last year and it was nice to pull them out to thaw on Christmas Eve and to have a yummy breakfast while opening gifts on Christmas Day. It was fun and I believe we've started a new Christmas tradition!

Today my husband is going to finish up his shopping (he is a procrastinator every year...he does so hate to shop) and I've got plans to putter around, do some laundry and all that. I'm also going to make some butterscotch haystacks for our neighbor across the street. I also made him fingerless gloves. He is the best neighbor and lives all alone with his cat and dog. This time of year I think he must be so lonely so I make sure to have my husband bring him something sweet over. He is such a nice man, and always helpful. He loves to come see the critters and will oftentimes save wilty lettuce or stale bread so he can come over and give it to them. Plus, he always is keeping an eye on our place when we are out (or even if I'm home alone) and I like that a lot. He is fantastic! So of course we have to share some Christmas cheer! :) I also made his cat (who I catch oftentimes on our rock wall catching mice or chipmunks) a catnip mouse for all his hard work hunting pests.

On the grocery front I spent 55.05$ this week. So close to the budget!!! I'm hoping next week I can keep it lower since we'll most likely have lots of leftovers. Our meal plan is as follows;

sat - salad and pizza (the last frozen one in the freezer, bought in a big box with a coupon at the warehouse club)
sun - pinto beans with rice (served with salsa, cheese, sour cream)
mon - either fried rice or stir fry with leftover rice (I'll make a double batch of rice on Sunday for extras)
tues - mushroom/veggie stew
wed - sweet potato quesadillas with frozen corn on the side
thurs - dinner at a party ; bringing cookies ; sandwiches or leftovers if we are hungry
fri - brunch at mom and dad's; bringing fruit salad

Breakfasts are ; toast or oatmeal
Lunches are ; leftovers, baked potatoes, sandwiches
Snacks are ; fruits or baked goods

A pretty simple meal week! That seems to be my weeks lately, though! I do have to make a run to Wal-Mart this week (but I have a gift card I got for Christmas!). I want to make sure we don't have to run and get dog food in the Christmas craziness. My husband ran out of both wrapping paper and tape this weekend (you should see the banana box wrapped in old feed bags under the tree...) so I'm debating about getting more. Seems like a waste with after Christmas sales being so close!

I suppose that's all for now. I'm off to make blueberry pancakes for Sunday breakfast (YUM!)

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