Thursday, December 17, 2015

Using it up and making do

Well, I've had to make do with a small grocery budget the last week since I had to buy some extras for gifts. It was worth it, though, to give some handmade fudge! I've just got to pick up some potato sticks this week to make butterscotch haystacks for our neighbor. I've also got to make another batch of something-or-other, which will probably end up being zucchini (from the garden, in the freezer) chocolate chip cookies. This year I've really been trying to stick with our 50$ a week grocery budget regardless of holidays, birthdays, or entertaining. Anyway, onto some successes from this week.

One day we had a big salad for dinner and I dug out some bread ends I had been saving in the freezer and made croutons with them. They tasted so yummy and made space in the freezer as well. I'm on a kick to use up older things from the larder so I can refill over the new year. Tonight we had leek and potato soup which used a leek from last week that was looking dry and I also threw in the last of some wilted parsley. Tomorrow is market day and all I've got left in the crisper drawer are carrots, celery, and enough cranberries to make another loaf of cranberry bread. I'd call this week a no waste success!

I do have to be diligent this week with my budget as well since I am in charge of a big fruit salad for Christmas brunch. I figure I will probably pick fruit up at the produce stand on Wed or Thurs, so I'll need to save extra from my trip tomorrow to make up for it.

As far as Christmas crafting goes I am just about done! I've got to sew together slippers for my mother-in-law, finish one last piece for my mom's organizer, and make a handmade gift for my husband to open Christmas Eve. I found a crochet pattern on Ravelry for a little facehugger from Alien (my husband's favorite movie) I can whip up quickly. If my aunt and grandmother end up coming up from Massachusetts the day after Christmas, I'll have to quickly throw together some foot soak and sugar scrub. I wasn't sure how the sugar scrub would hold up if I made it early so I promise I procrastinated on purpose ;) . It has been so nice this season not working and having time to make lots of things and not having to rush to finish things. The whole holiday has just been so much more enjoyable! It has been a little awkward to explain at the holiday parties. So many people think that your worth in life is tied to your job, you know? My husband has been good at changing the subject when he can tell I'm getting uncomfortable. He is sweet and I love him very much!

Well, I hope now that I will remember to post again before two months go by! If not, I hope that you have a very merry Christmas!!!

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