Monday, February 15, 2016

What We Ate This Week

Well, here I am a day late again. This time I had an excuse though! For anyone who lives in the northeast, I just want to say I feel your pain. We woke up Sunday without water (still no water; plumber coming today) and our furnace wasn't working correctly. Turns out the kerosene in our outdoor tank (we live in a mobile home) was gelling up. My husband went and got the 911 additive and my dad came over to help him bleed the lines and lo and behold I believe we are okay now. Sadly, even after thawing our water filter (it was a hunk of ice) still no water. We've narrowed it down to either the pressure switch or the water pump for our well. If it's the water pump, that will be the 4th one in 4 years so I'd think we have ANOTHER problem. Either way, it was a stressful day. Our neighbor is letting us fill up buckets to bring over to our place so we have water for the animals and for ourselves. I'd really like a shower, though! ;) Hopefully whatever the case we get our water back today. We are keeping our fingers crossed for it just being the pressure switch because that will be a lot cheaper! Onward to simpler, less complicated what we ate this week!

Sunday : I was feeling a bit under the weather so I just ate some fruit and my husband cooked half the pack of bacon our neighbor gave us and made himself bacon grilled cheese sandwiches. Always the health-nut, that one.

Monday : Vegan hoppin' john with brown rice on the side. One of our favorites!

Tuesday : Leftover sloppy joe filling (from last week) on top of baked potatoes with a bag of frozen broccoli on the side.

Wednesday : Breakfast for dinner! We have TONS of eggs from the ducks and chickens so this helped make a dent in them...until the next morning anyway. I used the last of the Bob's Red Mill mix I had to make pancakes (with frozen blueberries), scrambled eggs, and cooked the last of the bacon for my husband.

Thursday : I put a pork roast I got on super clearance in the crockpot with an onion, the last of the wine jelly, and a jar of pear and apple chutney I canned a few years ago. It made the house smell amazing! My husband had that with rice and I had rice and beans.

Friday : My husband's phone had died so I cooked soup and he got Subway for us...whoops.

Saturday : The aforementioned minestrone soup with clearance foccacia rolls that were fantastic!!

I spent $52.60 this week total; $24.72 at Big Lots, $12.74 at the grocery store by my house, $8.14 at the grocery store by my mom's house, and $7 at the dollar store. A bit above my usual spending but I end up spending more when I go to Big Lots since they have such great deals. This week I'm going to skip the trip there, as well as to the dollar store (I went to stock the freezer with bread). I only took out $25 for groceries this week since I made two big orders on Vitacost. We will see how I do this week!

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

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