Monday, January 11, 2016

So I ended up hitting up my grocery store to get some great deals on pantry staples (pasta, marinara, large canned tomatoes, tuna, etc). Then I made a quick trip to the produce stand to fill things out. This week I had to go to the warehouse store for toliet paper and trash bags, and I am now so, so over budget! I'm thinking of moving my household goods to another budget category to make things easier.  Funny enough, I write these meal plan posts and then end up making completely different things (albeit still with the ingredients on hand!). So, I've got $12 left in my grocery budget for the week but I'm going to try not to spend it. Honestly, I think I can make it until Thursday with the fruit on hand (the only thing I'm worried about). Onto the plan!

1/10 Sun - Freezer soup; used up box of frozen spinach, tomato sauce and shredded zucchini from the garden frozen over the summer, and a package of ravoli. Made enough for an army!
1/11 Mon - Huevos Rancheros Bowls (from the Budget Bytes cookbook). If it seems like a constant repeat, it's just because we love it!
1/12 Tues - Stir fry (cabbage, peppers, onions, celery, mushrooms) with udon noodles
1/13 Wed - Leftover soup from Sunday with homemade foccacia
1/14 Thurs - Curried chickpeas with brown basmati rice
1/15 Fri - Sloppy joes and the last of the fries from the freezer
1/16 Sat - My husband's cousin will be here for dinner so I'll pull out the chicken drumsticks from the freezer and serve with either mac and cheese or potatoes and a veg

Well, that sounds doable! If there are no good sales at the grocery this week I'll just stick with the produce stand for fruit and a veg or two. On the no spend front, I'm doing pretty well. They had some clearance candles at the warehouse store for $2.98 and without thinking I put one in the cart. Later on in my trip I put it back! I did slip and ordered a Harvey Prince perfume rollerball I'd been wanting with a coupon (just pay s&h). Each week it's getting easier. I'm also realizing I shop just for the high of getting a good deal and not because I actually need anything. I had an urge to check out TJ Maxx today but instead reorganized my pantry and a few cabinets and the feeling passed. I decluttered as I went and was even more glad I didn't give in go for a drive to the store. If I already have things I don't need in my home there's no need to bring more in! I'm hoping this weekend to put a few things on Craigslist. A little more cash never hurt anyone! :)

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